Submitted by Nathan Steffenson on
My view, not anyone elses.
Do I think we should have a gas tax increase?
Do I think a gas tax is regressive?
No, I think having gasoline is a bit of a luxury/addiction, especially when someone uses too much of it. Also gas tax goes directly to it's purpose of maintaining highways, so vehicles can stay in better shape.
Does high gas prices help or hurt your business?
High or low gas prices don't hurt my business since most of my services are web based and don't need gasoline to do quite a bit of my business. A bigger factor in my business is adaptation of new technologies. If people stick to the same old expensive ways such as driving or using photocopiers everywhere instead of using new technologies it can hurt my business. Also when Windows XP support ended that helped my business and my personal employment at least temporarily.
Also when I had a vehicle, it was the maintaining, insurance, and health problems associated that really cost me not the gasoline.
I'm also an advocate of Walking, running, bicycling, using public transit, carpooling, and using web services to reduce driving..
With web services, somethings can completely eliminate driving, so nobody has to for those items. Such as Video streaming/rental, online banking, doing your taxes online. It doesn't mean that someone has to drive for you. Just the person that installed and maintains the fiber optic cable.